Establishment of GITS Women Cell on 15th Jan 2016

January 15, 2016 11:00 am Location:
GITS,Auditorium |
GITS is establishing a Women Cell in the college campus for the women faculty, staff and girl students, to enhance understanding of issues related to women and to make the college campus a safe place for them.
- With an aim of creating awareness of their rights and duties the cell will organize and participate in seminars, talks and will also take up women’s issues and problems.
- It will provide a platform for women to share their experiences and views regarding their status in the society and will suggest ways to improve and empower themselves.
- The Women Cell will also be responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students & staff about Women Grievances at the college related to sexual harassment.
- These are to serve the Women faculty and students of college.
- To enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of women students, faculty and staff in the college.
- To promote intellectual and cultural activities for overall personality development of students.
- To develop critical thinking ability of women students such that it enhances decision-making ability.
- To enable women to make informed choices in areas like education, employment and health especially reproductive health.
- To make students aware of Gender Equity.
Inauguration :
Date: 15-Jan-2016
Chief Guest: Shweta Fageria,ADM Udaipur
Patrons: Ms. Kanika Agrawal & Ms. Shruti Agarwal
Women Cell Head: Dr. Ridhima Khamesara,HOD CSE GITS