Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies is pleased to announce its one day long Innovative Project Exhibition in Technokriti 2K17. This is an opportunity for diploma and basic science student fraternities to showcase their intelligence in designing engineering projects & models and win laurels for it. This competition is an opportunity for the students of Diploma and B.Sc. to leverage their theoretical knowledge and creativity to address diverse real life issues that need attention, in the Engineering sector.
The theme may be based on innovative technical ideas.
Do you have any innovative idea that can change the world around you? Make a static model and covey your ideas to the world.

- Registration Closes On: June 12, 2017
- Project Acceptance : June 15, 2017
- Main Event (All Exhibition): June 20, 2017
- Result Declaration: June 20, 2017
- For scientific projects, the team can have a maximum of 5 team members.
- For working models, the team can comprise of 4-8 team members.
- Each team must have a faculty mentor from the same college.
- Fill the registration form and give a detailed abstract.
- A student can participate in one category and be a part of one team only.
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Contact Persons
- Mohit Mathur :+91-9116039825
- Rameshwar Singh:+91-9460290821
- Saurabh Porwal:+91-9351456160